> Tolmin > Tolminska korita cafe

Tolminska korita cafe
Zatolmin 66a, 5220 Tolmin GSM: 00 386 41 916 152
Tolminska korita cafe - presentation
- at the picturesque natural attraction – the wild Tolmin gorges, only 2 kilometers from Tolmin away,
- some of the local specialties: frigga (dried bacon, polenta and cheese), grilled or smoked trout, Tolmin cheese and cottage cheese, backed polenta, Kobarid dumplings…
- we recommend as well: Bograč stew, tünka meat (red meat in minced lard), Prekmurska gibanica (Prekmurian layer cake),
- wines from the Slovene coastal region,
- snacks and lunches every day,
- A La Carte dishes,
- catering,
- 120 seats in one room,
- additional 40 seats on the terrace outside,
- for groups and travel buses a reservation is required,
- large parking area,
- we speak foreign languages,
- open: every day in the summer time from 9 am to 11 pm, every day in the winter time from 9 am to 8 pm,
- for additional information call Mr. Zlatko: 00386 41 916 152.