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SloveniaHolidays.com > Category > Restaurant choices > Confectioner’s shop

Confectioner’s shop Slovenia - Restaurant choices

Confectionery Flere
Slovenska cesta 38, 1234 Mengeš (Reaching us?)FLERE pastry shop in the centre of Mengeš boasts a 30-year-old tradition, offering a full range of pastry delicacies, cookies, refreshing ...

Confectionery Zima
Grajska cesta 3, 4260 Bled (Reaching us?)Pastry Zima Bled Our pastry shop offers you a wide range of fresh pastry, cakes, homemade ice cream, fruit cups, hot and ...

Confectionery Razpotnik
Fajfarjeva ulica 12, 1230 Domžale (Reaching us?)Production and sale of all kinds of handmade home biscuits, pastry, various forms and tastes of cakes and other sweets upon ...

Confectionery Vesna Lokev
Lokev 4f, 6219 Lokev (Reaching us?)The confectioner’s shop Vesna is situated at the main road Lokev–Sežana and boasts with its 15-years of tradition. As great pleasure to ...

Confectionery Andrejči
Andrićeva ulica 20, 1000 Ljubljana (Reaching us?)- cakes of different shapes and tastes (we also offer cakes for diabetics and cakes without eggs or gluten) that can also ...

Cafe and confectionery Rendez vous
Oprešnikova 28, 4000 Kranj (Reaching us?)When you feel like having a nice slice of cake, a good cup of coffee, a refreshing ice cream, flip through a ...

Confectionery Jana
Cesta Leona Dobrotinška 8, 3230 Šentjur (Reaching us?)The popular Jana confectionery is famous for a rich selection of homemade goods such as cakes and slices of various tastes with ...