> Mengeš > Confectionery Flere

Confectionery Flere
Slovenska cesta 38, 1234 Mengeš tel.: 00 386 1 723 71 38, faks: 00 386 1 723 71 38,
www: http://www.slascicarna-fl...
Confectionery Flere - presentation
FLERE pastry shop in the centre of Mengeš boasts a 30-year-old tradition, offering a full range of pastry delicacies, cookies, refreshing drinks, sundaes and ice-creams. During holidays doughnuts and potica cake are on offer as well. We cater to shops and stores all over Slovenia.
Spelt biscuits (wholemeal biscuits from spelt flour, seeds, etc.)
Open: every day 9 – 19, Mondays closed.