> Slovenian coast and Karst > Restaurant Muha

Restaurant Muha
Lokev 138a, 6219 Lokev tel.: 00 386 5 767 00 55, GSM: 00 386 31 231 251,
www: http://www.gostilna-muha....
Restaurant Muha - presentation
If the walls could speak, they would tell countless stories of the OLDEST INN AT THE SLOVENE KARST REGION. Since the year 1770, when the inn was firstly mentioned in the town's chronicles, numerous guests have already celebrated their special and memorable moments with us. Empires have fallen, wars devastated lands, and a time of union came and went. But the generations of the Muha family stayed true to their gastronomy business in their beautiful old Karst house in the middle of the village Lokva.
We offer our guests all the delicious dishes that already our grandmothers used to prepare with so much love:
- prosciutto, jota (stew made from beans, potatoes and sauerkraut), gnocchi, shanks
- Teran wine
- selection of opened wines
- 90 seats indoors
- 50 additional seats in the yard
- open every day from noon to 10pm
- closed Thursdays and Fridays!
PHOTO: Umberto Pellizon; Jože Požrl (picture no. 16)
Restaurant Muha Lokev. Restaurant Lokev.