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Spa Coast - Spa & Wellness

Hotel Svoboda, Strunjan 148, 6323 Strunjan

Hotel Svoboda

Strunjan 148, 6323 Strunjan (Reaching us?)

Talaso Strunjan is uniquely located right by the sea, in the heart of pristine nature. Our services are based on thalassotherapy, which ...

/ €

Spa Debeli Rtič - Hotel Bor**, Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano

Spa Debeli Rtič - Hotel Bor**

Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano (Reaching us?)

In the seven hectares of the park including the bay where the shore touches the sea, there is the health resort Debeli ...

/ €

Health and Holiday Resort - hotel Arija *** , Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano

Health and Holiday Resort - hotel Arija ***

Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano (Reaching us?)

In the shade of a wonderful Mediterranean park, sheltered from the winds, in the health resort Debeli rtič, there is the HOTEL ...

/ €