> Žirovnica > Restaurant Trebušnik

Restaurant Trebušnik
Restaurant Trebušnik - presentation
The restaurant Trebušnik Žirovnica offers you gastronomic specialties such as pork and veal roast, fried chicken, lunches, Trebušnik plate, vegetarian plate, calamari, trout and other a la carte dishes. It has an outdoor terrace.
We have room for groups of up to 50 people.
Working hours:
Monday: 10 am - 11 pm Tuesday: 10 am - 11 pm Wednesday - closed Thursday: 10 am - 11 pm Friday: 10 am - 11 pm Saturday: 10 am - 11 pm Sunday: 10 am - 11 pm
Restaurant Trebušnik Žirovnica. Restaurant Žirovnica .