> Žirovnica > Restaurant Lovski dom Stol

Restaurant Lovski dom Stol
Moste 68e, 4274 Žirovnica
tel.: 00 386 4 580 10 28, GSM: 00 386 41 945 347
Restaurant Lovski dom Stol - presentation
Gostilna Lovski dom Stol Žirovnica is known for its diverse lunches, fresh daily meals, and homemade specialties such as roasted ribs, frog legs, fresh game, homemade dumplings, hearty stews, and other à la carte dishes. We also have a children's play area and parking available.
For reservations, please call:
- Tel. no.: 04 580 10 280
- Tel. no.: 04 580 10 28
- Mobile no.: 041 945 347
Location: We are located on the regional road Žirovnica – Jesenice at the turnoff for Moste (Završnica).
Opening hours:
- Monday - Friday: 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Wednesday: closed
We look forward to your visit!