> Ljubljana > Restaurant Metliški hram

Restaurant Metliški hram
Tacenska cesta 52, 1120 Ljubljana tel.: 00 386 1 512 27 88, faks: 00 386 5 996 26 77,
Restaurant Metliški hram - presentation
The restaurant Metliški hram Ljubljana under Šmarna gora with its 30-year tradition is especially known for warm snacks and daily fresh lunches.
We will serve you home-made cheese dumplings, meat lasagne, »matevž« from Bela krajina with sauerkraut and grilled sausage, the Serbian dish from beans “prebranec”, fish dishes and other food à la carte.
You will be able to enjoy the home-made sweets, apple and cheese strudel, the cake »gibanica« from Bela krajina, etc.
We also offer wines from Bela krajina and the wine »Cviček« from the Dolenjska region.
We recommend our services!
Restaurant Metliški hram Ljubljana