> Ljubljana > Dubočica restaurant

Dubočica restaurant
Zaloška cesta 31, 1000 Ljubljana tel.: 00 386 1 542 37 77, GSM: 00 386 51 606 080, faks: 00 386 1 540 06 60,
Dubočica restaurant - presentation
At this point home to the inn, which already stands for 120 years. In recent history, in the 80's the last century reached its greatest success as a restaurant Dubočica - Moma.
A short explanation of the name Dubočica tells us that this was an old name for the city of Leskovac, which is around the culinary world famous as the home of the best specialties from the grill.
Now the inn is a member of the joint MOMO Dubočica Group and is still synonymous with the beginnings of Serbian cuisine in Ljubljana.
Dubočica Inn Team
Open: every day from 11am to 10pm.
See also:
Restaurant Dubočica Ljubljana, restaurant Ljubljana.