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7 reasons to book with
  • Booking with no commission
  • Payment upon departure
  • Good prices guaranteed
  • The ability to modify your reservation
  • Booking in three steps
  • A large selection of accommodations
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Dutovlje 24, 6221 Dutovlje
tel.: 00 386 5 764 00 12, GSM: 00 386 31 370 561


Rencelwine - presentation

Renčel has lived with his wines since the dawn of time. He is their protector, and when he has to leave for the vineyard, he warns them to be careful: »My dear wines: Tinta, Negra, Rosso Passitto, Zlate Solzice, Cumarone, Kras Cru and my oldest, Teranjac; I must go to the vineyards. Beware the hordes of wine lovers, for they are everywhere. You will know them by their hoarse voices and the Teran stains around their mouths.«

»Don't worry, we'll be careful.«


- seven extreme wines
- tastings for seven people – reservations required
- tour of the cellar
- sales: Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Japan
- high marks in wine guides


Rencelwine Dutovlje, Sežana, Kras