> Sežana > TIC Sežana – Kras

TIC Sežana – Kras
Partizanska cesta 63, TPC Peron, 6210 Sežana tel.: 00 386 5 731 01 28, GSM: 00 386 31 744 235
TIC Sežana – Kras - presentation
TIC Sežana - Kras:
- you will find our TIC Sežana inside the new Sežana bus station
- we offer tourist information about Kras, the surrounding area and the rest of Slovenia
- we offer assistance with organizing trips and events
- we offer complete information about Slovenian and foreign tourism providers in the Kras region (accommodations, restaurants, wine cellars, prosciutto factories ...)
- we have many free brochures and maps available in a number of languages
- weekdays from 8am to 4pm
- Saturdays from 9am to 5pm (in winter from 9am to 4pm)
- Sundays and holidays from 9am to 2pm – throughout the year