> Murska Sobota > The Mura river

The Mura river
The Mura river - presentation
The Mura river is truly the soul of the Prekmurje region. It contains all the diversity of the living world, flood groves, backwaters, gravel deposits, flood forests, a favourable influence on the microclimate and many ways to spend your free time.
In the area of the Mura regional park, which includes the entire Mura river basin from Šentilj to Murska šuma, more than 600 types of plants, 200 types of birds, 50 types of dragonflies, 1200 types of butterflies and 95 types of snails and oysters have been recorded.
This unique natural reserve is a true paradise for nature lovers and, like Štefan Smej once said, it's a place where the soul could fly.