> Ljubljana > The Iška gorge

The Iška gorge
The Iška gorge - presentation
Among the rivers flowing into the Ljubljana moor, Iška stands out as one of the most interesting. It has cut a 300 to 400-meter deep gorge between Krim and Mokrc. In the depths of that gorge, the river jumps over rocks, stops in calm brooks and forms gravel dunes on the ground.
Just a stone's throw from the capital city, this deep picturesque gorge allows you to experience an unspoiled mountain wilderness with waterfalls and the loud roar of flowing water. At Vrbica, where the Iška and the Zala rivers join, stands a huge lone rock called Skalni mož (the Stone Man).
The area around it is surrounded by alpine flowers, the sunny slopes of the hills are covered with ash and beech trees, and the endemic kranjski jeglič (Carniolian primrose) grows on the moist dolomitic rocks.
A walk through the gorge will let you acquaint yourself with the natural beauty and the geological history of the area.