> Cerknica > Sports store and service Sol

Sports store and service Sol
Industrijska cona Podskrajnik - hala B, 1380 Cerknica tel.: 00 386 1 709 39 58, GSM: 00 386 41 410 239, 00 386 41 410 240, faks: 00 386 1 709 69 58

The Bloke skis
, 1385 Nova vas (Reaching us?)Hard winters, huge snowdrifts and dense forests left their mark on Bloke, the cradle of the famous Bloke skis. These skis are ...

The Snežnik castle
Kozarišče 67, 1386 Stari trg pri Ložu (Reaching us?)One of the most picturesque Slovenian castles, the Snežnik castle stands in an idyllic area beneath Snežnik. This well-preserved castle was first ...

The Predjama castle
Predjama 1, 6230 Postojna (Reaching us?)The Predjama castle was carved into the living rock beneath an enormous overhanging rock cliff on the slope of Podgora. ...