> Ivančna Gorica > Stična monastery

Stična monastery
Stična monastery - presentation
The location where the Stična Monastery was built is said to have been chosen by a mysterious singing bird. A picture of this bird can also be found in the monastery's coat of arms. The building is almost 900 years old and boasts a three-nave basilica as well as a famous cloister.
Through the centuries, it has developed into a massave complex characterized by all major European art styles. This monastery is where the oldest Latin manuscripts in Slovenia (the Stična manuscripts) were created. It was also the site of the first music school in the Kranjska region. Today, it houses the Slovenian Religion Museum.
Throughout its history, it was a religious and cultural center, and its herbalists became famous under the guidance of Father Simon Ašič. In the monastery's store, you can buy many types of herbal mixtures.