> Komen > Špacapan house of of culinary delights

Špacapan house of of culinary delights
Komen 85, 6223 Komen tel.: 00 386 5 766 04 00
Špacapan house of of culinary delights - presentation
Špacapan`s house is distinguished for it`s excellent cookery. It`s charm is hidden in the combination of modern and tradicional karstic alimentary habits. On Špacapan`s menu, is namely the ability to find dishes, that come from the ancient karstic recepies, and at the same time, they are coquetting with the modern culinary. It`s about human health`s friendly goods, that are, as they should be, accompanied with top-level krastic good wine. There are also available wines from the other nearest wine-producing regions.