> Kranj > Snack bar Doner Kebab Nebotičnik Kranj

Snack bar Doner Kebab Nebotičnik Kranj
Gregorčičeva ulica 6, 4000 Kranj GSM: 00 386 30 410 230
Snack bar Doner Kebab Nebotičnik Kranj - presentation
You can find the snack bar Doner Kebab NEBOTIČNIK in Kranj behind the Globus and opposite to the town's library.
Doner Kebab NEBOTIČNIK offers you:
- kebabs
- jufka tortillas
- bureks (meat, cheese or pizza bureks)
- turkey sandwiches
- pljeskavicas
- hamburgers
- pizza slices
- hot-dogs
Opening hours:
Monday – Thursday from 8 am till midnight
Fridays and Saturdays from 8 am to 5 am
Sundays and holidays from 10 am till midnight