> Šmarje pri Jelšah > The Church - Sladka gora

The Church - Sladka gora
The Church - Sladka gora - presentation
Surrounded by the hills of Sladka gora, the twin-towered pilgrimage church of the Mother of God is connected with many miracles. An excellent example of baroque architecture, it is considered one of the most important cultural monuments in the country.
The playful church facade and the presbytery with a bell-shaped roof crowned by a lantern are just two of the special features of this interesting church. The ceiling art shows scenes from Mary's life, the Virgin's appearances and miraculous curies.
The church contains five golden altars with rich baroque decoration and an outstanding oil painting of Mary, the Holy Trinity and All Saints, painted by Anton Cebej. During the 18th century the church was a refuge for sick people, but now it is a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims.