> Škofja Loka > Restaurant Pri Kajbitu

Restaurant Pri Kajbitu
Zminec 5, 4220 Škofja Loka tel.: 00 386 4 512 67 00, faks: 00 386 4 512 67 02
Restaurant Pri Kajbitu - presentation
Restaurant Pri Kajbitu Škofja Loka, with 200-years of tradition, is situated in the direction Škofja Loka–Žiri (2 km from Škofja Loka). Offers daily brunches, lunches, sunday lunches, domestic farmer’s dishes and other dishes a la carte. We also accept orders for closed groups, anniversaries (one room can accept up to 20 persons and the other up to 30 persons). There is a big parking lot at your disposal (also for busses).
Working hours:
Mon. – Sun. from 9am to 5pm
Restaurant pri Kajbitu Škofja Loka, restaurant Škofja Loka.