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Restaurant Pri Jošku

Attemsov trg 21, 3342 Gornji Grad
tel.: 00 386 3 838 30 80


Restaurant Pri Jošku - presentation

You will find us in the town centre of Gor. Grad. This is an inn with 100 years of tradition. We offer you dishes a la carte, brunches, lunches for the occasion of family celebrations, weddings, closed groups and traditional dishes (štruklji, Savinja belly bacon, dumplings, tarragon cake ...).

We offer domestic wine and all other kinds of drinks. There is enough room for closed groups; for weddings there is one room for 60 persons, one for 20 persons, and one for 40 persons.Es gibt genug Platz für geschlossene Gesellschaften; für Hochzeiten gibt es einen Raum für 60 Personen, einen Raum für 20 Personen und einen Raum für 40 Personen.

Working hours: every day from 6–23 o’clock with the exception of Wednesdays.

You are kindly welcome!

Restaurant Pri Jošku, Gornji Grad. 


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