> Pivka > Restaurant and pizzeria Herman

Restaurant and pizzeria Herman
Kolodvorska cesta 39, 6257 Pivka tel.: 00 386 5 757 10 95,
www: http://www.pizzeria-herma...
Restaurant and pizzeria Herman - presentation
We offer tired guests bed and breakfast in eight two-bedded rooms. Rooms are equipped with bathroom, LCD-tv and wireless internet.
Restaurant and pizza place “Herman” with bed and breakfast is a family business. Building was built in time when railway line Vienna-Trieste was built. Back then this was hotel “southern railway” in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria slept.
Our location is on the regional road Ljubljana-Reka in town Pivka. Restaurant is nearby railway station. Now this is a newly adapted building with restaurant, which receive 70 guests. We have 8 double bedded rooms, with bathroom, wireless internet, LCD tv, cooler and air conditioning. Our guest are served with breakfast in common dining room.
We have big selection of pizzas, warm lunches and meals on request.
Guests could visit the park of military history, which is only 1km away from us, Italian fortresses on the hill Primož, and world-famous Postojna cave (10km). For hikers there is a nice starting point to the nearby peaks (Sveta Trojica, Osojnica, Snežnik, Vremščica) and hiking-biking path Great Krpan’s trail (Velika Krpanova pot) and intermittent lake.
We can accept up to 70 guests which can order pizzas, warm lunches and meals on request.
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 7am - 10 pm
Saturday - closed
Sunday and holidays 12am - 10pm
Restaurant and pizzeria Herman Pivka. Restaurant Pivka. Pizzeria Pivka.