> Julian Alps > KOFLER SPORT - sport agency

KOFLER SPORT - sport agency
Kurirska pot 20, 4281 Mojstrana GSM: 00 386 41 608 297
KOFLER SPORT - sport agency - presentation
KOFLER SPORT - sport agency. We organise outdoor activities, children programes…
Young, productive, active, full of energy and youthful impetus, friendly, honest …, that’s us. Kofler Sport is a result of professional guides, cyclists, climbers and tourist workers, which take care ofMoreyour security and careless experience of your choice.
Our driving power is to offer our guests, school classes, the youngest and other groups quality and safe service, full of experience. To show them beauty and charms of untouched nature in Mojstrana and its surrounding, and lifting sport tourism offer of our place to a higher level.
- WATER SPORTS: rafting, canyoning, hydrospeed.
- MOUNTAIN GUIDEING: we can provide you guideing on via ferata tours or in climbing tours in Julian Alps, Karavnke or Kamniško Savinjske Alp.
- MOUNTAINEERING: we provide you different kinds of easy or moderate guided tours.
- SPORT CLIMBING: guided sport climbing in natural or artifficial climbing wall, sport climbing courses for children and adults.
- HLADNIK ROCK LABYRINTH: Coming to Gozd Martuljek you see wide and wild gorge, through which leads a trail that uses many rope techniques to get through the gorge. Throughout our journey we can see the peaks of Martuljek group on one side and the wild gorge through which we are climbing on the other.
- MOUNTAIN BIKING:guided mountain biking tours in JulianAlps.
- RENT A BIKE: you can rent bikes in our location in Mojstrana. We rent 9 adults bikes and 5 for childeren.
- RENT A CLIMBING EQUIPMENT: we rent climbing belts, helmets, and via ferata systems. We also rent crampons and iceaxes.
-TRANSFERS: transfers to alpine valleys (Vrata, Krma, Trenta, Vršič pass…..). We also make conection transfers between alpine valleys, transfers to airports. We organize trips for small groups.
At ski slope in Mojstrana we offer you ski school programes, where you can choose between skiing -, snowboard- and cross country courses, if the snow conditions are sufficient.
To have your skis in perfect condition for hard snow,spring snow, we offer ski servis- for alpine skis, cross country skis and skis for ski touring. We also offer bindings fitting. Servis is done only manually.
AND OTHER WINTER ACTIVITIES: cross country ski school, ice climbing, sledging, snowshooing…