> Koper/Capodistria > Chinese restaurant Chang Koper

Chinese restaurant Chang Koper
Marežganskega upora 13, 6000 Koper/Capodistria tel.: 00 386 5 625 08 08, faks: 00 386 5 625 08 09
Cleanliness 9.2
Location 9.2
Comfort 9.2
Service 9.2
The quality of the offer regarding the price 9.2
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Anonimno Young Couple 18.9.2017 at 11:05 AMNorooooo dobrooooo10
Josic Family 12.7.2017 at 7:22 PMZanič hrana,na hitro pripravljena,neprijazni natakarji...oo šel naročil hrano za sabo so mi zmešalo celotno naročilo...zadnjic da sem šel tja6
Just Me and Me Group of Friends 16.12.2012 at 1:04 PMBoljše hrane ni10
24.4.2010 at 11:30 AModlična hrana in postrežba!10
17.3.2010 at 8:50 AMzares dobra hrana :-)