> Vipava > Avin viticulture and viniculture

Avin viticulture and viniculture
Gradišče pri Vipavi 39, 5271 Vipava tel.: 00 386 5 366 53 45, GSM: 00 386 41 708 087, 00 386 40 166 040
Avin viticulture and viniculture - presentation
The Avin Andlovic tourist farm can be found at Gradišče nad Vipavo. The farm has 9 hectares of vineyards - autochthonous sorts: Zelen, Pinela, Pikolit, Rebula.Other delicious wine sorts include: Sauvignon, Italian Riesling, Malvasia.
Red sorts: Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot, Barbera.
Other goods for sale:
- grape marc spirit
- homemade liqueurs
- blueberry brandy
- sour cherry and walnut liqueurs
Wine tastings for groups of up to 50 people can be organized.
Osmica, a type of wine selling event, are organized twice a year. If you visit one, be sure to try the rich rustic plate (a collection of home-produce food).