> Divača > Apartments and rooms Žnidarčič

Apartments and rooms Žnidarčič
Matavun 8a, 6215 Divača tel.: 00 386 5 763 81 01, GSM: 00 386 41 818 582, 00 386 41 420 919, faks: 00 386 5 763 81 01

Tourist farm Benčič
Vareje 15, 6217 Vremski Britof (Reaching us?)We offer: - traditional local dishes - Brkini prosciutto, smoked pork neck, streaky bacon, dried sausages - plum marmelade, blueberry liqueur, homemade apple juice - some ...

Restaurant Ošterija na planinci
Dane pri Divači 2a, 6215 Divača (Reaching us?)Visit our village and see all the beautiful hidden places among the natural and cultural pearls of our lovely country. Among the caves ...

Restaurant Malovec
Kraška cesta 30a, 6215 Divača (Reaching us?)Your wedding in the Karst region of Slovenia can really be something special! Mediterranean and Karst cuisine ...

Homemade dishes and goods Pr Betanci in the park Škocjanske jame
Betanja 2, 6215 Divača (Reaching us?)• great homemade dishes and goods in the heart of the park Škocjanske jame • stews and seasonal minestrones • delicious mushroom soup • lamb ...

Restaurant Pri mlinu
Dolenja vas 5, 6224 Senožeče (Reaching us?)The Restaurant Pri mlinu Senožeče is located in the Kras region, in the village Dolenja vas, only a kilometer away from the ...