> Divača > Restaurant Ošterija na planinci

Restaurant Ošterija na planinci
Dane pri Divači 2a, 6215 Divača tel.: 00 386 5 762 10 16, GSM: 00 386 40 508 811, 00 386 41 363 262,
Restaurant Ošterija na planinci - presentation
Visit our village and see all the beautiful hidden places among the natural and cultural pearls of our lovely country.
Among the caves of Kras, the fruit of Brkini, the Lipizzaner horses, the Italian and Slovenian coasts, Nanos and Istria...
Experience our cuisine:
- prosciutto and dried meat
- stews, vegetable minestrones and soups
- gnocchi
- mushroom dishes
- roasted and grilled meat
- game meat
- plum dumplings and delicious strudel
- other typical dishes from the Brkini and Kras regions
- bottled and open wines
- Korenika Korte : Refosco and Malvasia
- Teran and Vitovska
- Thursday and Friday: 5pm – 10pm
- weekends: noon – 10pm
- open on weekdays for groups with reservations: 00386 40 508 811
- up to 12 people by the bar
- enough room for a busload of tourists in the dining room
- seating for up to 60 hungry mouths on the covered terrace in the warmer months
- parking lot for cars and motorcycles in front of the building
- parking lot for buses in the village (a few meters away)
- we speak Slovenian, Italian, English, German, Russian, Croatian and Serbian
- distance: 18 km Trieste, Miramare Castle 25 km, 25 km sea
See also Rooms Ošterija na planinci
Restaurant Ošterija na planinci. Restaurant na planinci Divača.