> Štanjel > A special sort of house - rooms, apartments

A special sort of house - rooms, apartments
Kodreti 15, 6222 Štanjel tel.: 00 386 5 769 00 00, GSM: 00 386 41 728 619, faks: 00 386 5 769 10 90
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Anonimno Group of Friends 27.7.2017 at 12:34 PMAbsolutno vredno obiska. Čudovit ambient, odlična hrana, zelo prijazna lastnika. Čista desetka ☺!10
Wojciech Dubrawski Family 8.10.2014 at 11:23 AMThe two weeks we spent among exceptional friendly people in the beautiful country - Slovenia, at the really amazing place - Hisa Posebne Sorti - we will remember forever. That was one of the our best summer vacations. We stayed in Hisa Posebne Sorti, which we found in net. We did not know nothing about that place and people. We knew only one - there is close to the sea (near Triest) and that is no large touristic centre with hundrets of people and discos. The visit was for us the greatest surprise. The family Sorte are the people from other world - friendly, cheerful, very kind. Exceptional people. They create really familial atmosphere. We felt like at home. Wonderful kitchen (in my opinion - world class), personally prepared local, traditional dishes , great wines plus very nice, clean apartment ( the social conditions were on the very high level) plus amazing weather, beatiful landscapes and ...silence. What I need more ? I am runner - I need run everyday - ok - in the neighborhood there are a lot of routes for runners or cyclist. It was perfect vacations. I would like to recommend that place for everyone who loved the beautiful nature, good kitchen, silence and who feel good far from the noise of the big cities Ewa & Wojciech Dubrawski + granddaughter (Poland)10
Nevenka in Gregor Young Couple 3.7.2014 at 9:40 AMPoseben dan posebnega poletja v Hiši posebne sorte :-) Bilo je preprosto, bilo je pravljično, bilo je čudovito, bilo je nepozabno in bila je prav posebna poroka! Hvala celi družini Sorta - z gostoljubnostjo, postrežbo in kulinariko ste nas razvajali, da svatje zagotovo še dolgo ne bodo pozabili te pravljične sobote nekje na meji med Krasom in Vipavsko dolino. Brbončice se nam še kar smejejo ob misli na ocvrte žajbljeve liste in kozarec roséja, da drugih dobrot sploh ne naštevam... :-)) Hvala Vidu za potrpljenje in za vse nasvete in pomoč pri pripravi, hvala Herti in patru Andreju za draž in svečanost cerkvenega dela v bližnji cerkvici Sv. Katarine, do katere smo se mimo sveže pokošenih travnikov kar sprehodili,hvala cvetličarki Alenki Kofol za celoten cvetlični aranžma in sijajne sončnice,ki so ta dan le za naju cvetele in žarele v vsej svoji lepoti, hvala fotografu Simonu Avscu za smeh in fantastične fotke in seveda hvala skupini ADUT za žurko, ko noge kar niso mogle nehati poplesavati :-) Zbrani iz vseh vetrov ste bili čudovita in uigrana ekipa in vsi skupaj ste najin dan naredili čaroben!10
Tony and Virginia Mature couple 12.5.2014 at 9:41 AMWe have just spent five amazing days at the House of Sort in Kodreti, Slovenia. It is a family run business where we were made very welcome. The beautiful rooms, tastefully decorated, were spotless clean with every detail carefully planned. The proximaty of many interesting attractions including the lippizaner horses at Lipica, the quaint, cobbled stone streets of the harbour town of Piran, the awesome caves at Postojana and the heart of the country, Ljubljana, all within easy driving distance from Kodreti. We look forward to our next visit as there is so much more to see. There is also a top class restaurant where delicious, home prepared food is served with special attention to the needs of the guests We just want to thank everyone for making us feel so welcomed. A most enjoyable holiday.10
Leam Solo traveller 9.5.2014 at 7:44 AMSaw this site. Saw pictures of Slovenia, everything looks so great and perfect... Would like to visit you one day soon. Looks absolutely gorgeous10