> Cerknica > Sports store and service Sol

Sports store and service Sol
Industrijska cona Podskrajnik - hala B, 1380 Cerknica tel.: 00 386 1 709 39 58, GSM: 00 386 41 410 239, 00 386 41 410 240, faks: 00 386 1 709 69 58

Rakov Škocjan
, 1380 Cerknica (Reaching us?)In the middle of a dense forest, the roof of an underground tunnel collapsed and created a beautiful Karst valley called Rakov ...

The Cerknica lake
, 1380 Cerknica (Reaching us?)The famous Cerknica plain with the intermittent lake changes its form every season of the year. Sometimes you can go ice skating ...

Križna jama
, 1380 Cerknica (Reaching us?)Križna jama is one of the most important Karst caves in the world. Its entrance and the Bear tunnel (which got ...

The Postojna cave
, 6230 Postojna (Reaching us?)The most beautiful things created by nature over the course of millions of years can be found in the underground kingdom of ...