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{googleMapModule} {newsletter} > Domžale > Rooms and boarding house Keber

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Rooms and boarding house Keber

Ljubljanska cesta 112, 1230 Domžale
tel.: 00 386 1 724 15 09

Restaurant Pri Bevcu, Stari trg 10, 1225 Lukovica

Restaurant Pri Bevcu

Stari trg 10, 1225 Lukovica (Reaching us?)

This restaurant Pri Bevcu was established hundreds of years ago and can be found in the town of Lukovica next to the ...

Confectionery Razpotnik, Fajfarjeva ulica 12, 1230 Domžale

Confectionery Razpotnik

Fajfarjeva ulica 12, 1230 Domžale (Reaching us?)

Production and sale of all kinds of handmade home biscuits, pastry, various forms and tastes of cakes and other sweets upon ...

Inn and pizzeria Keber, Ljubljanska cesta 112, 1230 Domžale

Inn and pizzeria Keber

Ljubljanska cesta 112, 1230 Domžale (Reaching us?)

Inn and pizzeria Keber Domžale has more than 200 years of tradition. We offer you the following: - snacks, lunches, dinners, pizzas baked ...

Bar and pizzeria Fontana, Stritarjeva 6, 1233 Dob

Bar and pizzeria Fontana

Stritarjeva 6, 1233 Dob (Reaching us?)

We are situated in Dob in the vicinity of the church, 400 m from the main road Domžale – Lukovica. In addition ...

Restaurant Pirc Rova, Rova Žiška cesta 12, 1235 Radomlje

Restaurant Pirc Rova

Rova Žiška cesta 12, 1235 Radomlje (Reaching us?)

The Pirc Rova inn in the village of Rova above Radomlje boasts a 120-year-old tradition offering uniquely prepared delicious fried chicken. Our menu ...

Restaurant Repanšek, Bolkova ulica 42, 1235 Radomlje

Restaurant Repanšek

Bolkova ulica 42, 1235 Radomlje (Reaching us?)

Between Domžale and Kamnik there is a village called Homec, situated at the foot of the Holmec hill, and in this village ...

Restaurant Narobe, Mengeška 37, 1236 Trzin

Restaurant Narobe

Mengeška 37, 1236 Trzin (Reaching us?)

You are kindly welcome to come to our restaurant Narobe Trzin with 200 years of tradition, where you will be served traditional ...