> Activities > Moravče - Limbarska gora- zahodna trasa

Moravče - Limbarska gora- zahodna trasa

Starting point: Športni park Domžale
- Path length :
50.0 km - Time:
03:00:00 - Difficulty:
Very hard - Ground:
Asphalt, Macadam, Cart track
Description of path
You should by now be familiar with the starting point - the Domžale sports park. In order to warm up before the ascent, pass Šumberk and take the asphalt road through Podrečje and Dob. Ascend through Žeje to Sv. Trojica, where the road ends at Konfin. As you cycle down the gravel road past Javoršica, relax and admire the beautiful view of the Moravče valley. When you reach the first major intersection, turn left toward Podbrdo and Moravče. The more fit among you may turn right in the centre of Moravče, toward Limbarska gora. The road ascends from Zalog through Gabrje, Hrastnik and Pristava, from where you should be able to see the church atop Limbarska gora. Return to Moravče down the other side of the hill, past Vodice. From here, guide your bicycle past Dole, Imenje and Imovica through Škocjan. When you reach Krtina, turn left and you should reach Dob after crossing the highway. Finally, return to the starting point in the Domžale sports park.
- Sv. Trojica - Limbarska gora - Krtina church
The author of these pages takes no responsibility for the described cycle routes or for the accuracy of the data. We have presented the cycle routes to the best of our ability, but the cyclist and the maintainer of the route are ultimately responsible for the safety of the trip.