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{googleMapModule} {newsletter} > Activities > Spa & Wellness > Spa > Spa Debeli Rtič - Hotel Bor**

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Spa Debeli Rtič - Hotel Bor**

Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano
tel.: 00 386 5 909 70 00, 00 386 5 909 70 01, faks: 00 386 5 909 70 02

The Sečovlje salt pans, , 6320 Portorož

The Sečovlje salt pans

, 6320 Portorož (Reaching us?)

With a huge assortment of animal and plant life, the Sečovlje saltpants are considered one of the most important natural heritage areas ...

Škocjan caves regional park, Škocjan 2, 6215 Divača

Škocjan caves regional park

Škocjan 2, 6215 Divača (Reaching us?)

Škocjan caves regional park - Through the udergound Canyon The guided tour begins at the Visitors Centre taking you to the man-made passageway ...
