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SloveniaHolidays.com > Places > Hajdina

The Hajdina municipality covers several terraces on the right side of the Drava river. Historically, Hajdina was located on the main trade route from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea – the Amber Road. Soldiers, legions, customs officers and traders worshipped a new cult – Mithraism. Five of its temples were found near Hajdina. The protector of Hajdina, St. Martin, is honoured every year by the three-day celebration »Iz mošta vino, pridi na Hajdino«, when sporting events are held and plenty of food and drink is available for everyone.

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Villa Andor is located on a hill between Ankaran and Debeli Rtič and is known to be the jewel of the Slovenian coast.