> Bled > Emona Bled apartments

Emona Bled apartments
Ljubljanska 8, 4260 Bled GSM: 00386 51 725 345

Mini golf Bled
Ljubljanska cesta 1Z, 4260 Bled (Reaching us?)MINI GOLF BLED (since 1964) With 18 holes, 3568 square metres of area and 288 metres of total length this is the largest ...

Sports and entertainment centre Inter Games Bled
Kidričeva 10c, 4260 Bled (Reaching us?)Sports and fun centre on Bled lake's shore: - Beachvolley in sports and fun centre Inter Games Bled provides you with all the ...

Summer sledding Straža Bled
Straža, 4260 Bled (Reaching us?)This attractive area offers an incredible view of the city of Bled with its castle and lake. You're guaranteed to have an ...