> Coast > Apartments Butinar pri Kapitanu

Apartments Butinar pri Kapitanu
Tomažičeva 8, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano tel.: 00 386 5 904 27 75, GSM: 00 386 41 713 797, faks: 00 386 5 652 05 50

Health and Holiday Resort - hotel Arija ***
Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano (Reaching us?)In the shade of a wonderful Mediterranean park, sheltered from the winds, in the health resort Debeli rtič, there is the HOTEL ...
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Spa Debeli Rtič - Hotel Bor**
Jadranska cesta 73, 6280 Ankaran/Ancarano (Reaching us?)In the seven hectares of the park including the bay where the shore touches the sea, there is the health resort Debeli ...
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