> Tolmin > The channels of the Tolminka and Zadlaščica

The channels of the Tolminka and Zadlaščica
The channels of the Tolminka and Zadlaščica - presentation
If any one place can truly sum up the magnificence of nature, it is this pearl – the channels of the Tolminka and Zadlaščica. Tolminka begins its journey in the Krn mountain group, then makes its way across the moraine of the former glacier to a narrow, vertical rocky valley where it has carved channels that are around 200 meters long, 60 meters deep and only 5-10 meters wide.
The Devil's bridge stretches across the gorge, and beneath it is a warm water spring – an occurence quite unusual for the Julian Alps.
Near the spring is Dante's cave (formerly known as Zadlaška jama), named after the famous Italian poet Dante Aligheri who is said to have found his inspiration for the Divine Comedy here.