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<b>Sloveniaholidays recommends!</b>Sloveniaholidays recommends!

Special offer in Slovenia destinations: Bovec, Kranjska Gora, Izola, Bled, Bohinj, Ljubljana...

Hotel Malovec in DivačaHotel Malovec in Divača

The hotel Malovec offers single rooms, double comfortable bed rooms and family room.Restaurant of the hotel, that follows the contemporary culinary trends on the basis of karstic-Mediterranean cuisine. Because of its location is Hotel Malovec very interesting for transit guests.

Bohinj Cowboys 2 nights

We all know cowboys from various American movies. They are in other words animal herders who tend cattle. We also have cowboys in Slovenia but...

Mountain Carps 2 nightsMountain Carps 2 nights

On August 26th, 1778, Triglav was conquered for the first time – 8 years before Mont Blanc, 22 years before Grossglockner was established. And how does this relate to our tour?

Villa Andor (Ankaran/Ancarano)Villa Andor (Ankaran/Ancarano)

Villa Andor is located on a hill between Ankaran and Debeli Rtič and is known to be the jewel of the Slovenian coast. on twitter - follow us! on twitter - follow us!

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