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Sloveniaholidays recommends
Hotel Actum, KranjHotel Actum, Kranj

Hotel Actum is the newest hotel in the historical part of Kranj and is located only a few meters away from the sites worth visiting, the great shops and museums in this beautiful Slovene town.

Luxury and different kind of holidays in SloveniaLuxury and different kind of holidays in Slovenia

Find your own hide-away or luxuriously decorated acomodation for a holiday in Slovenia! on twitter - follow us! on twitter - follow us!

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Villa Andor (Ankaran/Ancarano)Villa Andor (Ankaran/Ancarano)

Villa Andor is located on a hill between Ankaran and Debeli Rtič and is known to be the jewel of the Slovenian coast.

Hotel Malovec in DivačaHotel Malovec in Divača

The hotel Malovec offers single rooms, double comfortable bed rooms and family room.Restaurant of the hotel, that follows the contemporary culinary trends on the basis of karstic-Mediterranean cuisine. Because of its location is Hotel Malovec very interesting for transit guests.