> Slovenian coast and Karst > Restaurant Muha

Restaurant Muha
Lokev 138a, 6219 Lokev tel.: 00 386 5 767 00 55, GSM: 00 386 31 231 251,
www: http://www.gostilna-muha....

TIC Sežana – Kras
Partizanska cesta 63, TPC Peron, 6210 Sežana (Reaching us?)TIC Sežana - Kras: you will find our TIC Sežana inside the new Sežana bus station ...

Tourist information center Lokev
Lokev 139, 6219 Lokev (Reaching us?)Lokev, one of the biggest Slovenian villages, has all karstic characteristics. It is known for its “kal”, “štirna” and for its neatly ...