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Zasavsko - Posavska

Najger wine cellar and repnica, nosilka dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetji, Brezovica na Bizeljskem 32, 8259 Bizeljsko

Najger wine cellar and repnica

nosilka dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetji, Brezovica na Bizeljskem 32, 8259 Bizeljsko (Reaching us?)

These caves were dug into quartz sand deposited in the Bizeljsko area by the Pannonian sea millions of years ago. For two ...

Rating::10 Comments

Restaurant Janc, Janc Marc s.p., Studenec 44, 8293 Studenec

Restaurant Janc

Janc Marc s.p., Studenec 44, 8293 Studenec (Reaching us?)

The restaurant Janc with tradition that is situated at the Upper Dolenjska Wine Route will surprise you with delicious domestic food, domestic ...

Rating::10 Comments

Restaurant Barbara, Krmelj 51, 8296 Krmelj

Restaurant Barbara

Krmelj 51, 8296 Krmelj (Reaching us?)

The restaurant Barbara Krmelj can be found in the centre of Krmelj and offers: - daily snacks - lunches - organized groups (weddings, New ...

Rating::10 Comments

Restaurant Racman, Lea Racman Cizl s.p., Brezina 19b, 8250 Brežice

Restaurant Racman

Lea Racman Cizl s.p., Brezina 19b, 8250 Brežice (Reaching us?)

Restaurant Racman Brežice offers: - four different types of light meals each day (2 meat; 1 fish; 1 vegetarian meal) - cold ...

Rating::8.5 Comments

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... the lovely village of Štanjel in the Littoral region of Slovenia. Read about our great trip, what we have done, where we stayed and what delicious dishes we ate >>


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