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SloveniaHolidays.com > Dolina Soče > Kamp Triglav

Kamp Triglav
Trenta 18a, 5232 Soča GSM: 00 386 31 393 683
Čistoča 9.2
Lokacija 10.0
Udobje 8.8
Storitve 8.0
Razmerje cena/kakovost 8.4
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Lucie Schafferová Grupa prijateljev 11.8.2015 ob 12:09a great base for hiking in the surrounding mountains, a friendly owner, nice people, a quiet place near one of the most beautiful rivers I've ever seen. Well recommended! We've definitely enjoyed our stay and are looking forward to come back next year.9.4
Lucie Schafferová Grupa prijateljev 11.8.2015 ob 12:08a great base for hiking in the surrounding mountains, a friendly owner, nice people, a quiet place near one of the most beautiful rivers I've ever seen. Well recommended! We've definitely enjoyed our stay and are looking forward to come back next year.9.4
Peter Stary Družine 23.11.2014 ob 17:42Die Leiterin des Platzes neigt zu hysterischen Ausfällen gegenüber Kindern und handgreiflichen Angriffen gegenüber den Eltern. Wunderschöner Platz.7.2
Anonimno Družine 6.9.2012 ob 07:09Wonderful landscape...but showers were so cold8.4
30.7.2010 ob 06:4110