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punto di partenza: : Cerklje

  • lunghezza:
    32.0 km
  • tempo:
  • difficolta:
  • fondo:
    asfalto, brecciato

Descrizione della strada

The cycling route to Krvavec begins in front of the primary school in Cerklje. Head for Grad or the Krvavec ski lift. In the village of Grad, turn right, following the signpost toward Ambrož pod Krvavcem. Quite soon you will be surprised by a rather steep ascent with a length of about two kilometers. At the top of this first slope, turn left as indicated by the signpost for Ambrož pod Krvavcem. Cycle up a very short and not particularly steep incline, then descend for about a kilometer - the only descent until you reach the summit of Krvavec. After ten kilometers of cycling, you will reach the tourist farm Pr Ambružarju, where a new asphalt road begins. The road used to be macadamized, but this year about two kilometers were asphalted. This incline will slow you down a little once again. Two kilometers later, the asphalt is replaced by macadam, but it is fairly firm and should not cause much trouble for you. You have about four kilometers of cycling left until the upper station of the ski lift. From there, the most enthusiastic among you can head for Zvoh or leave the bicycle there and continue on foot.

Cerklje na Gorenjskem

Per la descrizione delle strade ciclabili, puntualita' e precisione dei dati l'autore di questa pagina non si assume nessuna responsabilita'. Le strade ciclabili le abbiamo presentate nella maniera migliore possibile. La valutazione per la realizzazione del giro e' soggettiva per ognuno che lo realizza o legge queste pagine. Il decreto della corsa nell'ambiente naturale (UR. l. RS 16,28/95)