> Bled > Apartmaji in sobe Ledrar

Apartmaji in sobe Ledrar
"The appartments are very nice and cozy, clean and comfortable. The owners ..."
Mlinska cesta 19, 4260 Bled GSM: 00 386 41 720 442
Čistoča 10.0
Lokacija 10.0
Udobje 10.0
Storitve 10.0
Razmerje cena/kakovost 10.0
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Virginija J Grupa prijateljev 16.9.2013 ob 20:01The appartments are very nice and cozy, clean and comfortable. The owners are very nice and friendly - it was really nice to be there :) I would definitely recommend this place to my friends and to everyone! :) Very well located in Bled - just a few steps away from Bled lake, beautiful view to the mountains from the balcony. Apartamentai jaukūs, švarūs. Šeimininkai labai draugiški ir malonūs žmonės - tikrai gera ten apsistoti. Vieta labai patogi - visai netoli Bledo ežero. Rami vieta, gražus kalnų vaizdas iš balkono. Tikrai rekomenduojam! :)10