> Aktivitäten > Pot zdravja (Parenzana ) - Porečanka 2

Pot zdravja (Parenzana ) - Porečanka 2

Ausgangspunkt: Izola
- Länge der Radwege:
15.0 km - Zeit:
00:40:00 - Schwierigkeitsgrad:
Mittelschwer - Boden :
Join the cycling trail in Izola, head toward the embankment along the coast (you can reach it using the sidewalk on the left side of the road), follow it to Koper and turn onto the cycling path. Cross the main Koper – Pula road and cycle along the local road to Bertoki (there is no separate cycling trail here yet). In Bertoki, follow the cycling marker (in the direction of Trieste), follow the local roads for a while, then turn right at the sign to a beautiful, quiet part of the route along the plains of the Rižane river. At the Bivje intersection, cross the main road, pass by the Lama factory and cross the bridge over the freeway. Head to Škofije, from where you can begin a cycling trip through Italy.
Here, we describe part of a well-maintained cycling trail leading from Izola to Škofija (»trail of health and friendship«). It follows the old railroad tracks between Trieste and Poreč that operated between 1902 and 1935. The route is suitable for hikers and cyclists, making it suitable for an afternoon family trip during a vacation on the Slovenian coast.
Für die beschriebenen Fahrradrouten und die Genauigkeit der Angaben übernimmt der Autor dieser Seiten keine Verantwortlichkeit. Wir haben die Fahrradrouten in der bestmöglichsten Art vorgestellt. Die Verantwortlichkeit für die Durchführung der Fahrradtour übernimmt jeder Einzelne bzw. der Besucher dieser Seiten alleine. Das Fahrverbot in der natürlichen Umwelt (Amtsblatt der RS 16, 28/95).