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{newsletter} > Attività > Sv. Lovrenc nad Bašljem

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Sv. Lovrenc nad Bašljem


punto di partenza: : Kokrica

  • lunghezza:
    19.0 km
  • tempo:
  • difficolta:
  • fondo:
    asfalto, brecciato

Descrizione della strada

The route begins at Kokrica, at the road leading toward Bobovek. The asphalt road will lead you past Bobovek, and after about 3.5 kilometers you should reach the village Spodnja Bela. Do not enter the village; continue along the main road instead. After 300 meters, turn left off the main road in the direction of Bašelj (see the signpost). Turn left again after 600-700 meters (see the signpost for Bašelj and Sv. Lovrenc). The ascending road leads toward Bašelj. Once you reach it, stay on the main road which turns left up a short slope. You'll reach the chapel, where you should turn right and follow the red signpost for Sv. Lovrenc. Begin a short ascent (approx. 1-2 kilometers). At the top you'll see a church above the houses. This is the church of St. Lovrenc. The asphalt road ends at the church, forcing you to follow the macadamized forest road. If you are riding a road bicycle, turn back and return to the starting point. Others can ascend the macadam road to the church of St. Lovrenc. The final part of the ascent (400m to the church) is a little more difficult. You may have to get off and walk. You can return the way you came. Alternatively, on your way back you can make a sharp right in front of the house at the end of the macadam. The forest road will take you to the village of Povlje. From there, descend past Babni Vrti straight to Spodnja Bela and take the main road back to Kokrica.

There are no major sights along the route. The only interesting landmark is the church of St. Lovrenc, 892m. It was built in 1142 and was expanded and restored several times during its long history. It is supposed to be open on Saturdays at 4pm, 3pm during the summer (information about opening hours has not been validated).


Per la descrizione delle strade ciclabili, puntualita' e precisione dei dati l'autore di questa pagina non si assume nessuna responsabilita'. Le strade ciclabili le abbiamo presentate nella maniera migliore possibile. La valutazione per la realizzazione del giro e' soggettiva per ognuno che lo realizza o legge queste pagine. Il decreto della corsa nell'ambiente naturale (UR. l. RS 16,28/95)