> Attività > Spa & Wellness > Pokljuka - Mrzli studenec

Pokljuka - Mrzli studenec

punto di partenza: : Bled
- lunghezza:
13.0 km - tempo:
01:30:00 - difficolta:
esigente - fondo:
Descrizione della strada
Begin your journey in Bled and head for Zgornje Gorje. There is a fairly challenging slope here that is good for warming up and preparing for the ascent to Pokljuka. The winding road to Pokljuka starts in Zgornje Gorje. There is a ski slope at Zatrnik, but it was closed years ago. You'll get no rest from Zatrnik onward, just several slopes. At the top, you'll reach Mrzli Studenec. From there, you can continue to the barracks (along an asphalt road) or turn back and descend back toward Bled.
You'll see a former ski slope at Zatrnik that was closed years ago.
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