- Relax centro Sun garden 9.6 2.3.2025, 14:41
- Relax centro Sun garden 10 23.2.2025, 10:31
- Relax centro Sun garden 9.4 24.11.2024, 15:30

We are located 5 km from Kranj, 6km from the Airport Pučnik, 15 km from the ski center Krvavec and 19 km from the capital Ljubljana. Duble rooms from 55€.

Hotel Azul is a newly built hotel near Ljubljana airport, located on the suburbs of town Kranj in the new commercial center.

You will experience Ljubljana differently. We will find interesting spots for you with a hint of history and nature where you can relax and have a rest from the tough days.

Volete fare una gita in Slovenia e non sapete dove dormire?
Grande scelta di alberghi, sistemazioni private...

… a San Daniele del Carso (Štanjel). Date un’occhiata alla proposta di viaggio in prima persona! Che cosa abbiamo fatto, dove abbiamo dormito e dove abbiamo mangiato piatti ottimi >>