> Attività > Grajska
punto di partenza: : Postojna, Hotel Sport
- lunghezza:
57.0 km - tempo:
04:00:00 - difficolta:
esigente - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato, strada di bosco
Descrizione della strada
The tour bring us back into the medieval times, when the knights fought each other for their beloved ones. The track runs by numerous villages and churches and we can visit up to three medieval castles (Prestranek castle, Orehek castle and Predjama castle), the ruins of once mighty baroque castle Haasberg and Ravbar's tower, the only remaining part of former Little castle. We can also visit Planina cave and the cave under the Predjama castle, go horse riding or take a peek into horse training on the Prestranek castle, we can take an one hour walk to the St. Lovrenc or we can watch birds at the Unška koliševka, which is one of the top three bird watching spots in Slovenija.
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