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Čez polja


punto di partenza: : Moravske Toplice

  • lunghezza:
    69.0 km
  • tempo:
  • difficolta:
  • fondo:

Descrizione della strada

v- Bogojina (Plečniks church): the famous church of the Lords Ascension, designed by the architect Jože Plečnik. It sports an unusual round bell tower and is certainly worthy of your attention. - Turnišče: The town is known for the »proščenje«, a church festival that takes place every year in front of the church of Marys Assumption. This pilgrimage site is worth a visit. - Lendava: The city lies in the far eastern part of the region. A visitor will soon notice the bilingual skills of the sizable Hungarian minority. Above the city stands a mighty castle, surrounded by numerous vineyards. - Otok ljubezni (Island of love): A well-known tourist destination by the left bank of the Mura river, near Ižakovci. It is the site of many social gatherings, and you can also ride the old ferry. - Prekmurska iža (in Ižakovci): Known far and wide for genuine local specialties and a unique atmosphere. If you do not stop here, you will miss an unforgettable culinary adventure. - Rakičan: Rakičan also sports a castle, but it is in a fairly bad state of repair. There is an oppurtunity for horse riding in the immediate vicinity.

Moravske Toplice - Lendava/Lendva - Velika Polana - Beltinci - Dobrovnik

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