> Attività > Čez Pokljuko v Bohinj
Čez Pokljuko v Bohinj
punto di partenza: : Lesce
- lunghezza:
70.0 km - tempo:
00:00:00 - difficolta:
esigente - fondo:
Descrizione della strada
Head from Lesce to Bled. Turn right just before the gas station. Once the road ends at an intersection, turn right and continue toward Gorje. Ascend to Pokljuka via Zatrnik. Cycle along the asphalt road until you reach the road leading toward the Šport hotel. At this intersection, turn left toward Goreljek. After a steep descent, you should see a road leading toward Podjelje. Make a sharp right turn here. Descend through Podjelje past the chapel of St. Martin to Jereka. Turn right toward Lake Bohinj. From there, return to Lesce through Bohinjska Bistrica and Bled.
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