> Attività > Bled-Brezje-Radovljica-Bled
punto di partenza: : Bled
- lunghezza:
39.0 km - tempo:
01:40:00 - difficolta:
media - fondo:
asfalto, brecciato
Descrizione della strada
The route leads toward Zasip, where you should turn right at the signpost for Piškovca. After a brief descent and ascent, you'll reach the village Breg. Cross the main Jesenice – Lesce road, pass the Kašar restaurant and cycle through the villages Žirovnica, Rodine and Begunje. Once you pass the factory Elan, turn toward Zgoša and continue through Zapuže to the Podvin intersection. There, turn left toward Črnivec. After passing the Moby Dick pizzeria, turn left. Cycle to the church in Brezje, head through the village to Dobro polje and turn right at the end of the village. After about a kilometer, turn toward Mošnje, pass the fish farm and turn right in the middle of the village to get back to the Podvin intersection. There, turn left over the »jump« to Radovljica and head through the old part of the city to lower Lancovo. Cross the bridge over the Sava river, then immediately turn right toward Bodešče. After ascending to the village, you should reach the village Ribno. Cross the road and follow Cankarjeva ulica through Želeče back to Bled.
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